AuthorHi I'm Trish! 👋 Archives
February 2025
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Though CHANGE can feel SCARY at times, gently remind yourself that it is just temporary. The feeling of fear comes because you are stepping outside of your comfort zone and into something NEW.
When you’re threading through unknown territories, your instincts are bound to ring all sorts of bells, thinking that it’s trying to keep you “safe”. It is completely natural for us to feel SCARED of things or places that we’re unfamiliar with. But the thing is, scared or not, there is NO WAY that we can stop CHANGE from happening. So the question is, why fight it? Why allow your fears to scare and prevent you from trying new things? It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change. -Charles Darwin Start EMBRACING change and you just might be pleasantly surprised at the MAGIC that will happen in your life✨ Lots of love and blessings, Trish YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #changeisinevitable #wisewords #mindsetquotes #keytohappiness #takecontrolofyourlife #selflove #selfacceptance #toxicpeople #healthyboundaries #toxicrelationships #embracechange #embraceuncertainty #selfimprovement #ownyourlife #changeisgood #changeiscoming #changeisconstant #changeishard #changeisgoodforthesoul #changeistheonlyconstant #changeispossible #embracefear #fearisaliar #embraceobstacles #fearisanillusion #fearisamindkiller #fearisachoice #everythingwillbeok #takeachanceonyourself
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How To Start Over In Life25/8/2022 You’ve hit ROCK BOTTOM. You are feeling HOPELESS. Your big question is how to START OVER in life with nothing.
You may want to start over after a divorce, job loss, health issues, emotional or sexual abuse, addictions, a death in the family, or another traumatic event. No person has a perfect life. We are all human and thus imperfect. So there is no shame in acknowledging that you are having trouble. Don’t let your age be a justification to keep the status quo. The good news is that it is never too late to start again. All it takes is a flicker of hope to inspire you. The only thing you need to do is say "YES". To help you with your journey to start over in life, try the 3 steps shared in this video 💛 Wishing you the best of luck in your journey, Trish PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #mindsetvideos #selfempowerment #selfhelpvideos #inspirationalvideos #motivationalspeech #empoweringvideo #dontgiveuponyourself #selfesteemboost #selfconfidenceboost #trustyourjourney #trustyourinstincts #trustyourgut #letnothingholdyouback #yougotthis #believeinyourself #lifehappens #keeptrying #tryagain #rebuildyourself #rebuildyourworld #startagain #startagaintomorrow #restartyourlife #lifeisajourney #toughttimesdontlasttoughpeopledo #keeplearningkeepgrowing #overcomefear #trusttheprocess
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If you can’t practice self-compassion with YOURSELF, how are you able to be compassionate toward OTHERS?
What compliment can you give yourself today? 💛 I’m proud of myself for having the courage to express myself when I need time for myself, and for not feeling guilty for taking some ‘me time’😊 Do share what about yourself that you are proud of in the comments below. Looking forward to reading them! Always cheering you on, Trish YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #selfawareness #wisewords #selfalignment #innerbeliefs #mindfulpractice #mindfulquotes #staypositive #mentalstrength #innerwisdom #inspirationalquote #believeinyourself #youarepowerful #positivequotes #motivationalquote #failureispartofsuccess #yourestrongerthanyouthink #failurequotes #keeptrying #validateyourself #positivethoughts #bekindtoyourself #bekindtoyourmind #selfcompassion #becompassionate #showyourselfsomelove #loveyourself #lovethyself #youmatter #selflove
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I've always enjoyed READING📙But, to be perfectly honest, I didn't use to read as much as I should have.
Besides being a great way to escape and unwind, reading increases your knowledge, focus, and broadens your perspective about life. It also gives you something interesting to talk about when you are networking. In short, reading is beneficial in both your personal and professional lives. But, that's not the concern. The biggest problem is actually finding TIME to read more books. Check out this video to discover how I'm able to read MORE in LESS time 📚 Happy reading friends! Truly, Trish ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #videooftheweek #selfhelpvideos #bestbooks #books #selfhelp #selfhelpbooks #selfimprovement #readfaster #readmore #readmorebooks #readmorebook #timesaving #productivitytips #shortform #timesavingtips #timesavinghacks #readingaddict #readingcommunity #readingisfundamental #readingislife #readingbooks #readingismagic #booklover #bookobsessed #booknerd #bookrecommendations #bookaholic
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I get it, who wants to be known as a person who “GIVES UP” easily right? Truth is, everyone’s tolerance level to pain and stress is different. Thus, only you will know when enough is ENOUGH.
It’s okay to STOP. It’s okay to ACCEPT that something isn’t working, despite your best efforts. It’s okay CHANGE paths and walk down a NEW journey. Stop forcing yourself to remain in an unhealthy relationship or environment. Stop living with bad habits that do you no good or continue in a business that is causing you more pain than fulfilment. Remember that, knowing when to accept when something isn’t working, to let go, and change paths, doesn’t make you a failure, it shows your level of self-awareness, self-respect, and courage. Protect your mind, body, and soul. Namaste💛 Sending you lots of good vibes, Trish YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #wisewords #positivequotes #everythingwillbeok #bekindtoyourmind #couragequote #successquote #takeachance #trustyourself #believeinyourself #justdoit #takechances #confidencequote #startbelievinginyourself #stopdoubting #lifequotes #wordstoremember #quoteoftheday #chaseyourdreams #makeyourdreamshappen #believeinyourdreams #overcomeobstacles #overcomefear #trusttheprocess #trustgodsplan #trustgod #allingoodtime #comfortzone #breakoutofyourcomfortzone #risksworthtaking
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What Is The Point Of This Life11/8/2022 What is the PURPOSE of this #life?
At some point of your life, you probably might have asked yourself this question. I definitely have. Very simply put, your purpose in life is whatever definition you choose to give it. For some people, the purpose of life may be to make the world a better place. Others may believe that the point of life is to find and achieve personal fulfillment. And some may feel that the point of life is simply to enjoy it as much as possible. Is any one of these wrong? No. It’s just a path based on one’s perspective about life. But here comes another very important thing to know 2- discovering your purpose in life, is just one part of the puzzle. Watch this video now to find out the answer 💡 Sending you lots of good vibes, Trish PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #videooftheday #mindsetvideos #selfhelpvideos #empoweringvideo #lifepurpose #purposeinlife #meaning #meaningoflife #findyourpurpose #findyourself #discoveryourself #discoveryou #discoveryourpassion #discoveryourway #discoveryourpath #liveandlearn #liveandletlive #lifeisajourney #purpose #knowyourself #lifeiswhatyoumakeit #lifeisstrangebeforethestorm #giveback #givebacktothecommunity #helpothers #bekind #kindnessmatters
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Fact: EVERYONE is fighting a BATTLE that you know NOTHING about.
That is why it is so important to be kind to everyone we meet, because no one’s life is free of struggles. Here are some of my little acts of kindness today… 💛 Complimenting a waitress about how beautiful her name is 💛 Thanking and tipping a housekeeper for her good work 💛 Holding the lift for others What’s your little act of KINDNESS today? Do share with me in the comments down below 😊 And remember, no small act of kindness is ever too small. Sending you lots of positive thoughts, Trish YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #mindfulquotes #wordstoremember #wordstoinspire #wisewords #goodvibesquotes #kindnessquotes #positivequotes #morningquotes #morninginspiration #spreadlove #spreadpositivity #spreadkindness #kindness #kindnessmatters #kindnessiskey #becompassionate #compassion #compassionovercruelty #bekindtoyourself #bekindtooneanother #bekindtoyourmind #lovemore #lovemorehateless #bekind #bekindtoeverykind #actsofkindness #kindnessiseverything #taketimetobekind #smallactsoflove
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How To Be Patient With Yourself4/8/2022 We want to see PROGRESS and reach our GOALS as quickly as possible, which is totally understandable, but sometimes we are IMPATIENT with ourselves in recovery which can actually block our progress.
Making changes or working toward a big goal takes time. Along that journey, we are inevitably going to experience challenges, and we may even go backward at times. By cultivating patience with ourselves, it allows us to lift ourselves up even during the darkest of moments, and strengthen our inner power to stand up and try again. If you’re ready to start cultivating more patience with yourself, watch this video to learn 3 simple strategies to help you do just that. Always believing in you, Trish PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #bepatient #bepatientwithyourself #bepatientwiththeprocess #videooftheday #mindsetvideos #selfempowerment #selfhelpvideos #mindset #mindsettip #patienceisavirtue #patienceisprogress #patienceisthekey #impatience #trustyourjourney #everythingwillhappenattherighttime #youareenough #motivationalvideos #motivationalspeech #empoweringvideo #dontgiveuponyourself #selfesteemboost #selfconfidenceboost #confidencecoachingforwomen #confidenceboost #confidencebuilding #selfworth #trustyourgut #trustyourself
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If you really think about it, NO ONE is perfect, so what gives us the right to judge others?
I’ve seen companies that won’t even take a second to glance at the CVs of a “certain” kind of candidate. Maybe they have a certain prejudice against certain religions, ethnicities, or skin colours. Frankly, it makes me sick to the stomach and utterly sad to see how shallow some people can be. No matter one’s background, get to know someone first BEFORE forming a conclusion about them. It isn't fair to judge someone based on the experience we’ve had with a different person, even if these 2 people coincidentally came from the same country, the same ethnicity, religion, or share the same skin colour. NO 2 PEOPLE ARE THE SAME. Thus, categorizing people based on past experiences not only limits our minds to learn and understand different perspectives, it is also a reflection of our values and beliefs. What comes to mind when you see someone with different SKIN COLOR than yours? What do you feel when you see someone’s NAME that is written in a totally different way than yours? How do you treat someone who is YOUNGER, OLDER, or from a LESS fortunate background than yours? How about… Let’s start seeing people with our HEARTS, instead of just our eyes. Let’s start ACCEPTING people for who they are, instead of wanting them to be like us or live up to our expectations. Let’s start APPRECIATING the strengths in others while being #COMPASSIONATE about their shortcomings. Who’s with me?❤️ Let’s do our little part, every single day, at every possible moment, to start creating more #selfawareness in ourselves and in others, to help create a KINDER and LOVING place for us all. Lots of love, Trish YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #mindfulquotes #wordstoremember #wordstoinspire #wisewords #goodvibesquotes #kindnessquotes #positivequotes #morningquotes #morninginspiration #spreadlove #spreadpositivity #spreadkindness #kindness #kindnessmatters #kindnessiskey #becompassionate #compassion #compassionovercruelty #bekindtoyourself #bekindtooneanother #bekindtoyourmind #stopjudging #judgeless #lovemore #lovemorehateless #bekind #bekindtoeverykind |