AuthorHi I'm Trish! 👋 Archives
September 2024
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Have you ever tried to SAY all the right words during a high stakes #negotiation or challenging discussion with your partner, but somehow, the END RESULT turned out disastrous?🤯
Back in 1967, psychologist Dr. Albert Mehrabian from the University of California, cited based on research, that 7% of #communication is conveyed by our #words, 38% comes via our #toneofvoice, and 55% comes through #bodylanguage. 💡This rule is important and very useful because by learning how to apply the 7-38-55 rule in a negotiation situation, it will help you understand what your negotiating partners are communicating and better control your own messaging, thus resulting in a more fruitful #conversation. However, it is important to note as Mehrabian explained on his own website, "Total Liking = 7% Verbal Liking + 38% Vocal Liking + 55% Facial Liking" and other similar equations were derived from experiments specifically focused on the communication of #feelings and attitudes (i.e., like-dislike). The bottom line is Mehrabian's rule applies only to FEELINGS, not factual content. And it only works when DIFFERENT SIGNALS are in conflict. The good news is, this encompasses a whole lot of situations that are really, really important in life. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Have you ever tried this rule before? What other #communicationtips have helped you achieve a calm and impactful conversation during challenging moments? Truly, Trish ➳ 💙Want to make a successful CAREER CHANGE? Check out my course👉 YouTube: (#thrivewithtrish) Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #73855rule #communicationskills #relationshiptips #leadershipskills #peopleskills #communicationskillstraining #communicationcoach #careercoach #communicationskill #softskills #softskilltraining #softskillsdevelopment #communicationtools #speakingskills #softskillscoaching #negotiations #negotiation_skills #tipoftheday #lifeskills #communicatebetter
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Boost your CHARISMA in 2 seconds28/3/2024 CHARISMA - Some people just seem to have it. The way they communicate energizes others and causes people to want to be around them. This special trait is referred to as 'charisma'.
This is no small matter because #charisma improves the likelihood of success in almost every area of life. Charismatic people, especially very confident and persuasive leaders, are able to inspire others to take what they say seriously and act on it. Because of its importance, charisma has fascinated social scientists for decades. The good news is, that charisma is no longer viewed as a mysterious gift that only a few people are endowed with. Today, research shows that it is something that anyone can learn and develop. Ready to boost your level of charisma? Try out this simple hack today ✨ Truly, Trish ➳ 💙 Want to make a successful CAREER CHANGE? Check out my course👉 PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #mindsetvideo #leadershipskills #persuasionskills #persuasive #mindsethacks #skillsforlife #successtips #peopleskills #relationshipskills #confidenceboost #buildconnections #selfhelpvideo #softskills #lifetips #tipoftheweek #lifeimprovement #improveyourlife #lifehacks #interpersonalskills #interpersonalcommunication #socialskills #socialskillstraining #introvertproblems #videooftheweek #selfempowerment #mindsettips #keeplearning
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What’s your take on LIFE? Do you agree that quite often, people take the good times for granted? Only when things PASSES the point of being able to be salvaged or rectified, do people then realise what they’ve lost.
Perhaps in most cases, it isn’t that we are not appreciative, but rather, we’re so caught up in this fast paced life, solving problems, dealing with #stress from every direction, that we forget to just PAUSE and really soak in the good times. 📌FACT: No one really knows when anyone’s last day on this Earth really is. It's better to say what you need to say, do what you’ve been dreaming of doing, before the chance is not possible anymore. The two practices that helps me to consistently #appreciatepeople, little moments, blessings, and #actsofkindness is through: 💡1) MINDFUL LIVING It might sound like woo-woo nonsense talk but it really isn’t. It is an act of consciously bringing our #awareness to the NOW. Truly noticing and experiencing ALL that is happening around us, instead of just reacting to any given situation. 💡2) PRACTICING #GRATITUDE on the other hand, helps us to be #GRATEFUL for those experiences that we’ve noticed through #mindfulliving. Doing this not only help us fill our hearts with #truehappiness, but also, it helps us to attract more blessings into our lives because that is the principles of the #lawofattraction! What other practices helps you to appreciate the good times? Do share in the comments below. Love, Trish ➳ 💙Want to make a successful CAREER CHANGE? Check out my course👉 YouTube: (#thrivewithtrish) Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #livemindfully #liveintentionally #liveinthemoment #mindfullife #practicegratitude #taketimetobekind #appreciatelife #appreciatethelittlethings #thankfulquotes #thankfulforlife #gratefulheart #gratefulquotes #thankyoulord #gratitudequotes #takenothingforgranted #appreciatewhatyouhave #begratefuleveryday #bethankful
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Instantly boost EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE with this simple hack👉
#Emotionalintelligence (otherwise known as emotional quotient or EQ) is the ability to understand, use, and manage our own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, defuse conflict, as well as help us to connect with our feelings, and turn intention into action. On top of that, it helps us build stronger relationships, succeed at school and work, and achieve our career and personal goals. With all these benefits to reap, it is obvious to see that when it comes to happiness and success in life, EQ matters just as much as IQ, especially during challenging moments. But, how can we boost our EQ instantly? Check out this #video to learn a simple mindset hack that you can try out right now💡 Truly, Trish ➳ 💙 Want to make a successful CAREER CHANGE? Check out my course👉 PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #mindsetvideo #eq #peopleskills #relationshiptips #relationshipskills #relationshipissues #relationshiphelp #confidenceboost #buildconnections #selfhelpvideo #softskills #lifetips #tipoftheweek #lifeimprovement #improveyourlife #lifehacks #interpersonalskills #interpersonalcommunication #socialskills #socialskillstraining #introvertproblems #emotionalintelligencetraining #emotionalintelligence #videooftheweek #selfempowerment #mindsettips
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Never UNDERESTIMATE the power of just a small act of KINDNESS🌻The next person you meet, may just be suffering on the INSIDE but trying to stay strong by smiling on the outside.
A few days back, one of the parents at my daughter’s kindergarten mentioned in a group chat that she was going to be late, she’ll only be able to fetch her son 20 mins pass the kindergarten’s closing time, so she asked if anyone could help look after her son for a short while. I offered to stay and help out. When she arrived later on to fetch her son, she was very appreciative of my help, and we both took a sec to sit and just catch up a little. I asked her how she’s doing. To my surprise, she suddenly broke down crying… and told me that her mom just passed away 2 days ago. I hugged her so tight, told her that if there is ANYTHING I can do for her, never hesitate to ask for my help. She smiled, said that she appreciated the offer, and that me helping to look after her son for a bit was already a big help. Never take for granted a small act of kindness such as giving a SMILE, offering your help, or even just genuinely asking someone HOW ARE YOU. As this beautiful quote aptly says, kindness has the power to turn a life around❤️ From boosting your mood to lowering stress, the power of kindness is real. Above all, the most beautiful thing about being kind, is that it gives joy BOTH ways - to the recipient and the giver. In fact, science shows the benefits of being kind are greater for the giver than the receiver😃 May your new week ahead be blessed with lots of beautiful moments of kindness and joy🌻 Truly, Trish ➳ 💙 Want to make a successful CAREER CHANGE? Check out my course👉 YouTube: (#thrivewithtrish) Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #peopleskills #spreadjoy #makesomeonesmile #makesomeonesday #makesomeonehappy #powerofpositivity #powerofasmile #smilemore #goodvibesquotes #kindnessquotes #haveanamazingday #positivequotes #morningquotes #morningpost #spreadlove #spreadpositivity #spreadkindness #kindnessmatters #bekind #kindnessrocks #kindnesscounts #kindnessiscontagious #bekindalways #bekindtooneanother #smallactsofkindness #makeachange #inspirationalquote #angermanagement
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MONEY💰💰💰 What thoughts or emotions does the word money stir up for you?
Are they positive or negative? Did you know your relationship with money defines how much you have or attract into your life? Do you get excited about earning more? Or do you dread thinking about it? Maybe you don’t understand why you have a hard time getting it. Or maybe you get it, but you can’t make it stick around? Watch this #video to discover if your money mindset is holding you back from achieving a lifestyle of your dreams and to learn several useful money mindset exercises to attract more abundance into your life starting today✨ Truly, Trish ➳ 💙 Want a successful CAREER CHANGE and find a JOB you actually LOVE? Check out my Career Change course here 👉 ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #mindsetvideo #successtips #successsecrets #selfimprovementvideo #videooftheweek #smarttips #selfhelpvideos #moneymatters #moneymindset #moneyadvice #moneymanifestation #moneymagnet #moneytips #moneymanagement #moneygoals #moneyhabits #moneymaking #moneymotivation #abundance #abundancemindset #attractmoney #attractabundance #attractwealth #lawofattraction #attractingabundance #attractsuccess #wealthmindset
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Does making #LIFECHANGING decisions make your head spin? 🤯 If yes, try this 3-step framework by #TonyRobbins to help you start making #toughdecisions quickly and with less stress:
📌 Step 1: Evaluate your options If you attempt to do everything in your head, or computer, your brain will end up LOOPING over the same things. Put everything on paper removes this #pressure and helps you #focus. Review each of your option’s upsides and downsides. As you think about the potential #consequences, ask yourself: a) What are the possible outcomes if I take this option? b) How important (on a scale of 0–10) is each upside/downside in terms of meeting my outcomes? c) What is the probability (0–100%) that the upside/downside will occur? d) What is the emotional benefit or consequence if this option were to happen? This is an especially important question for emotionally tough decisions such as those involving your relationship or children. e) After jotting down these answers, you’ll be able to eliminate some options from your list. 📌 Step 2: Mitigate the damage The reason we fear tough decisions is because of what could happen if the WRONG decision is made. In a #business, we could lose customers or even the business. In #relationships, it’s the difference between finding a passionate relationship or settling for less than we deserve. That’s why you must review all downsides in more detail. Brainstorm alternative ways to eliminate or reduce those downsides. 📌 Step 3: Resolve Based on the most probable consequences, select the option that provides the greatest certainty that you will meet your desired outcomes and needs. This'll help you beat #procrastination and avoid the deadliest decision of all: #INACTION Resolve that no matter what happens, this option will give you a WIN. Even if it ends up in #failure, you can choose to view it as a #learningexperience or a point to go in a different direction. The ability to find the #LESSON is an essential part of developing #innerstrength and making better decisions in the future. Best, Trish ➳ 💙 Want to make a successful CAREER CHANGE? Check out my course👉 PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee #mindcontrol #takecontrolofyourlife #improveyourlife #lifetips #tipoftheday #havenofear #successsecrets #decisionmaking #decisionmakingskills #tonyrobbins #changeisgood #embracechange #changeisgrowth
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Struggling with making DECISIONS? Try this👉
Whether it’s a major decision, such as choosing a life partner, or a minor decision, such as what to eat for breakfast, being indecisive can significantly impact your life. Though indecisiveness has many causes, it is possible for you to get better at making decisions, big and small, with practice, time, and using the simple strategy shared in this video 💡 Truly, Trish ➳ 💙 Want to make a successful CAREER CHANGE? Check out my course👉 PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #productivityvideo #productivitytips #getshitdone #stopprocrastinating #increaseproductivity #successtips #successsecrets #selfimprovementvideo #efficiencyhacks #productivityhabits #productivityhacks #leadershipskills #videooftheweek #selfempowerment #smarttips #selfhelpvideos #problemsolving #problemsolved #problemsolvers #problemsolver #problemsolvingskills #problemsolving101 #complexproblems #complexproblemsolving #protips #decisionsdecisions #decisionfatigue #decisionmakingskills
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When faced with making BIG decisions related to your relationship, career or business, are you #INDECISIVE? Or are you able to make a firm decision and execute it accordingly?
CHANGE and #growth can be scary. Making a big, life-changing decision can feel like driving around a bend in the road, not knowing what is around the corner. But know this… everything that happens in life – including tough decisions – can help us GROW if we let it. Here are 5 questions to reflect on that can help you to gain clarity and #confidence in making a decision: 1) What am I afraid of? 2) Does this fulfil my #purpose? 3) Who am I really doing this for? 4) Does this decision help me grow? 5) What will I #regret the most? If you’re still tempted to stay where you are, remember: If you’re not growing, you’re dying. The hard truth is, NOT making a decision out of #FEAR, is ultimately also a DECISION. A decision to accept the status quo, to accept the heartache, stress, unkind treatment or lack of fulfilment that you’re experiencing and allow it to be a part of your life - for the rest of your life. Apart from those 5 questions above, what helps you when faced with making tough decisions? Truly, Trish ➳ 💙 Want to make a successful CAREER CHANGE? Check out my course👉 PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #havecourage #mindcontrol #feelthefearanddoitanyway #focusonyourgoals #findyourpassioninlife #takecontrolofyourlife #improveyourlife #lifetips #tipoftheday #fearisaliar #havenofear #makeyourdreamsreality #liveyourbestlifenow #noregrets #successsecrets #decisionmaking #toughdecisions #decisionmakingskills #tonyrobbins #changeisgood #embracechange #changeisgrowth |