AuthorHi I'm Trish! 👋 Archives
February 2025
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If you think you’re the only one who hasn’t figured out LIFE yet. Think again.
Though many people don’t like to admit it, many people that you meet are most probably still trying to figure out life just like you–I for one can safely admit that I’ve asked myself that same question several times throughout my life too. You may be searching for a purpose, a passion that makes you feel alive. You are ready to take action, to make a change, but you just don’t know which direction to go. If this sounds like you, watch this video to discover the simple steps to help you gain the clarity and courage you need to navigate the path toward a meaningful life🌻 Wishing you a beautiful day ahead, Trish ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #lostinlife #findingpurpose #findingmeaning #findinghappiness #lifepurpose #findyourpurpose #mindsetvideos #selfempowerment #selfhelpvideos #motivationalspeech #empoweringvideo #dontgiveuponyourself #selfesteemboost #selfconfidenceboost #trustyourjourney #trustyourinstincts #trustyourgut #letnothingholdyouback #yougotthis #believeinyourself #tryagain #rebuildyourself #rebuildyourworld #startagaintomorrow #lifeisajourney #keeplearningkeepgrowing #overcomefear #trusttheprocess
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What goes around, comes around. ALWAYS. A thousandfold.
Send out #goodvibes, good thoughts, and do good deeds. Trust that the Universe and God are taking notes and it will ALL come back to bless you in the most unexpected ways, at times when you need it the most. Sending you an abundance of joy and blessings to end your year on a positive note and to welcome the new year with endless possibilites. Start your 2023 right. Start it with hope, joy, peace in your heart, and above all–by spreading kindness✨ Thank you to each of you for making my 2022 a wonderful and spectacular year! I love you all and I wish you nothing but good thoughts and good health for 2023🙌 Cheers to a magical year ahead for us🥂 Sincerely wishing you all a fabulous new year ahead, Trish ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #happinessquotes #positivequote #tuesdaymotivation #manifestingmagic #spreadkindness #beablessingtoothers #liveyourpurpose #shareyourblessings #joyofgiving #spreadgoodvibes #trusttheuniverse #raiseyourvibrations #lawofattractionworks #divineenergy #spiritualvibes #vibrationalenergy #spiritualawareness #universalenergy #dogoodthings #vibrationalbeings #powerwithin #theuniversehasyourback #wealthconsciousness #powerofpositivtiy #dogoodfeelgood #newyear2023 #haveagreatyear #lawofabundance
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How To Reach Your Full Potential22/12/2022 Are you reaching your full #POTENTIAL?
To reach your full potential, you first need to know what the word “potential” means, what your goals are, why you want to reach for that, and know that you CAN achieve them. You HAVE the potential. If you don’t really feel that in your bones, how can you learn to use your power and tap into your full potential? Here are 3 steps that can help you identify your fears and remove all the limiting beliefs that are preventing you from reaching your full potential 🙌 Always believing in you, Trish ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #videooftheday #achieveyourgoals #successtips #fullpotential #reachyourgoals #reachforthestars #reachhigher #reachbeyond #reachingtheunreached #reachgoals #reachtheunreached #reachforthesky #reachyourpotential #reachyourpeak #reachforyourgoals #reachyourgoal #reachinghigher #reachyourdreams #reachformore #reachfurther #mindsetvideos #limitingbeliefs #stopholdingyourselfback #stopholdingback #beyourbestself #beyourbestyou #beyourownmotivation
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FORGIVENSS–One word, but it carries SO much weight in it and has the power to impact a person's life tremendously.
Tell me though, how do you define #forgiveness? I define forgiveness as making peace with a person who has hurt you in your heart. It doesn't mean you need to be chummy buddies with them, it simply means you decide not to let them rule your life and take centre stage. Whether you choose to have them included in your life or not, you can still choose to #forgive. As I always say, forgiveness is a GIFT you give yourself. You don't need to forgive just because it is the "right thing to do". Forgive because your #happiness is worth WAY more than holding pain and anger in your kind, delicate heart💛 You deserve to be HAPPY. Remember that!🌼 Wishing you and your loved ones a super blessed Christmas, Trish ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee #happinessquotes #forgivenessquotes #forgiveyourself #forgivenessheals #forgivenessisfreedom #forgivenessisthekey #healthyboundaries #forgiveothers #forgiveothersandyourself #protectyourpeace #bekindtooneanother #findpeace #dogoodfeelgood #selfempowerment #selfforgiveness #letgoofthepast #instawisdom #letgo #learntoletgo #movingforwardinlife #negativeenergy #thingsthatmatter #youdeservemore #innerfreedom #wisewordstoliveby #findyourinnerpeace
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How To Overcome Your Mid-Career Crisis15/12/2022 Does the thought of ageing contribute to feelings of depression, remorse, and anxiety?
Research shows that many people—even those with seemingly enviable careers—can become dissatisfied in their jobs and life overall. Different research papers and articles will present different age ranges of when a midlife crisis generally hits. But to simplify things, let’s say that midlife crisis can happen anywhere between someone in their early 30s to around 60s. Experiencing midlife or mid-career crisis is actually more common than you think. In fact, I myself have experienced and got through it too before. The emotional turmoil some people experience during midlife doesn’t always lead to major lifestyle changes that involve the desire to be young again. And truth be told, a midlife crisis could potentially turn into something positive✨ But if you find that your midlife or mid-career crisis is negatively impacting your life, here are 3 strategies to help you navigate positively through this phase. Sending you lots of positive energy, Trish ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #videooftheday #lifetips #mindsettips #midlife #midlifecrisis #midlifewisdom #midlifecareerchange #careercrisis #careercoach #careeradvice #careergrowth #careersuccess #careercoaching #careertips #careerpath #careercounseling #careerguidance #careercounselling #purposeinlife #careercounselor #careercoachingtips #careertalk #careercoachforwomen #careerconsulting #lostinlife #findingpurpose #findingmeaning #findinghappiness
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Don’t ever underestimate what you’re able to endure and #overcome, especially in moments when you’re all alone with no one to turn to or when no one believes in you.
It is exactly in THOSE dark, trying moments that you’ll discover just what you’re REALLY made of💎 When I was a teenager, I used to think I needed my parents and a relationship in order to function well in life. But when I moved countries and didn’t have any of that in my life, my hidden "wings" which I never knew existed, started to present itself. At the beginning, it was hard, learning to settle my own problems and have no one to have my back. After some time, I realized that–hey, I'M OKAY. Don't be afraid dear friends, no matter how "alone" you think you may be. You WILL be okay. Dig deep and find the #courage to stand on your own if there is no one to support you. Be your own best cheerleader. Trust yourself that you’re a #resilient, badass soul who will not let anything or anyone dim your light⚡️ Always believing in you, Trish ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #independent #couragequotes #strengthquotes #mindsetquotes #emotionalsupport #youwillsurvive #believeinyourselfalways #selfdevelopmentjourney #mindsetreset #youarecapable #havefaithinyourself #embracechange #maturitylevel #youwillbeokay #innergrowth #onyourown #lifeexperiences #stronghearts #boostyourself #lifestruggles #unshakeableconfidence #empoweryourself #youcandoanything #youcandohardthings #whatdoesntkillyoumakesyoustronger #toughtimesdontlast
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How To Plan Your Life For Success8/12/2022 PLANS are crucial to success in any endeavor. It doesn't matter if the project is building a business or writing a book.
Without planning even the most well-intentioned projects can hit a roadblock or even stopped altogether. So how can you plan your life for success? Let's have a look at a few easy steps that can help you to achieve just that✨ Wishing you an abundance of joy and blessings, Trish ➳ TRY THE WHEEL OF LIFE EXERCISE (FREE): ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #videooftheweek #successtips #2023goals #newyear #newyearresolutions #achieveyourgoals #goalsetting #successtips #projectplanning #planforsuccess #timemanagement #makeyourdreamsreality #smallstepseveryday #smartgoals #successhabits #prioritizeyourlife #plansmart #planningiskey #planningiseverything #mindsetvideo #lifeplanning #planyourlife #planahappylife #planahead #wheeloflife #projectmanagementtools #bedisciplined #bedetermined
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Someone out there, might be struggling to find a job, have a baby, a relationship, a house, or even limbs to be mobile.
These are just some of the things we might unknowingly take for granted if we’ve received them without much or any sort of struggle. It can be so easy to: - criticise ourselves for not having “perfect” skin or body shape - complain about our jobs, kids, partners, parents, grandparents, etc - want more space, own more things or more money than we need In these moments, the thing that grounds me is reminding myself to be #grateful for these “problems”, because the truth is, not everyone out there has the privilege or opportunity to have these “problems”. Practicing gratitude has helped me to see beauty in even some of the most trying times. I’m feeling really blessed–for all the #blessings AND “problems” that I have. Of the many things I’m grateful for, I’m grateful for YOU!🌻 Thank you for reading this, for supporting my work, and for simply being the amazing person that you are🙏 Sending you lots of good thoughts, Trish ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #gratefulquotes #thankfulquotes #appreciationpost #appreciatethelittlethings #appreciatepeople #thankfulforlife #blessedandgrateful #thankyoulord #godisgood #mindfulness #mindsetquotes #mindsetforsuccess #keytohappiness #keytoabundance #lovelife #lifeisbeautiful #gratitudequotes #youareblessed #takenothingforgranted #appreciatewhatyouhave #appreciate #appreciatelife #complainlessappreciatemore #bekindtoothers #begratefuleveryday #begratefulalways #bethankful
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How To Make Life More Meaningful1/12/2022 Much has been said about the pursuit of happiness. But what about the pursuit of MEANING?
It turns out that pursuing meaning may have more of an impact on long-term life satisfaction than pursuing happiness. But, what is a meaningful life? According to a paper published in 2016 in the Review of General Psychology, a meaningful life contains three features: PURPOSE — the degree to which you feel directed and motivated by valued life goals; COMPREHENSION — the ability to understand and make sense of your life experiences and weave them into a coherent whole; and MATTERING — the belief that your existence is significant and valued. So when people say their lives are meaningful, in other words, it’s because they feel their lives have purpose, coherence, and worth. With these principles in mind, check out this video to learn 7 ways to make your life more meaningful. Wishing you a beautiful day ahead, Trish ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #videooftheday #mindsetvideos #selfhelpvideos #empoweringvideo #lifepurpose #purposeinlife #meaning #meaningoflife #findyourpurpose #findyourself #discoveryourself #discoveryou #discoveryourpassion #discoveryourway #discoveryourpath #liveandlearn #liveandletlive #lifeisajourney #purpose #knowyourself #lifeiswhatyoumakeit #lifeisstrangebeforethestorm #livehappy #livehappier #givebacktothecommunity #helpothers #bekind #kind #kindnessmatters nessmatters |