AuthorHi I'm Trish! 👋 Archives
February 2025
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It happens... even to the best of us 😢 REALITY doesn't happen how we envisioned it in our mind.
The question is, do you have enough faith and patience to trust the timing of your life? I too face obstacles and challenges at times. In fact, just this week I got a ton of things that just didn't go the way I planned it to go. It is especially frustrating when you want something to work so badly, to reach your goal 🎯 But when I take a minute to simply breathe and reflect, I realised that there have been many occasions in my life that things don't really go how I 'thought' I wanted it to be. But through the detours, it somehow always lead me to a better, more beautiful place 😄🌸 To any of you having a trying time, or facing challenges in achieving your goals, know that we’re ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. Trust yourself, trust the process, everything will be a-o-k👌🏼 Much much love, Trish YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: #trishlee #enjoythejourney #lifeisajourney #growthmindset #happinessquote #toughttimesdontlasttoughpeopledo #lessonslearnedinlife #keeplearningkeepgrowing #inspirationalquote #couragequote #successquote #takeachance #trustyourself #believeinyourself #confidencequote #startbelievinginyourself #stopdoubting #lifequotes #wordstoremember #quoteoftheday #chaseyourdreams #makeyourdreamshappen #believeinyourdreams #dontgiveup #overcomeobstacles #overcomefear #trusttheprocess #trustgodsplan #trustgod #allingoodtime
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While work can be an enjoyable and fulfilling experience, there might be occasions where this isn't the case 😟
In this video, we’ll look at why you might feel unappreciated and how to resolve this situation. But what does feeling unappreciated at work actually mean? This typically comes from believing that your colleagues or employer don't recognise your efforts. This might mean that they ignore any contributions you make or that they're not acknowledging your hard work. In some cases, they might even be unnecessarily critical or disparaging of your work. If you are feeling unappreciated, don’t be despaired. Check out these preventive measures as well as strategies that you can try to help address the problem 💡 Sincerely, Trish PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #videooftheweek #workstress #mustwatchvideo #anxietyrelief #unappreciated #underappreciated #conflictresolution #conflictmanagement #conflict #worktips #workstress #workstruggles #unhappyatwork #unfulfilled #noappreciation #selfvalidation #validation #stressatwork #workplace #workplaceculture #workplacewellness #workplaceproblems #workplacepolitics #teamspirit #teambuilding #teamculture #workproblems #workprobs
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A shout out to anyone that’s going through a TOUGH time right now🌻
🍁 Whether you’re going through a tough time at work, 🍁 having financial challenges, 🍁 problems in your relationship, 🍁 family, 🍁 health issues, 🍁 or maybe you lost someone close to your heart, please don’t be in despair. You are NOT alone. Close your eyes and gently remind yourself that - you’ll get through this💛 Don’t think for a moment that you’re faced with challenges because God doesn’t love you. On the contrary, it is because HE loves you THAT much that HE puts you to the test to show you just how capable, strong, intelligent, special, and amazing you really are. There is a Chinese proverb: “先苦后甜”. It means, we need to experience the bitterness in life first, only then can we truly appreciate the sweetness it has to offer. But on the flip side, you could also live a life of “先甜后苦”, it means enjoy now, and suffer later. Just a matter of play of words, just a matter of perspective and how we want to build our principles of how we want to live our lives💡 I believe, going through the tough times makes us appreciate the good times just that much more. Do you agree? I’d love to hear your thoughts below. To any one reading this, I GOT YOU. Cry if you must, scream, sing or just let it all out! Find that inner peace within yourself again and have courage to face another day💛🙌🏻 Love, Trish YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: #trishlee #mentalwellness #mindfulquotes #stressquotes #anxietyquote #toughtimesdontlast #toughtimesdontlastbuttoughpeopledo #innerwisdom #failurequotes #forgiveyourself #mistakes #forgivenessquotes #forgivenessheals #learnfromthepast #moveonquotes #moveforward #learnandmoveon #dobetterbebetter #believeinyou #believeinyourself #trustyourself #youarepowerful #positivequotes #motivationalquote #dontgiveup #failureispartofsuccess #yourestrongerthanyouthink #keepgoing #tryagain #keeptrying
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Most of us have experienced moments where we simply CAN’T focus at work 😵 But why is that?
Is it our inability to focus? Exhaustion? Our diet? Or just something in the air?🧐 Watch this video to find out why as well as to learn 8 brain hacks that you can try to reduce your urge to procrastinate while increasing your level of focus and productivity ⏰ Truly, Trish PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #videooftheweek #mindsetvideos #selfempowerment #selfhelpvideos #mindset #mustwatchvideo #mindsettip #timesaving #productivity #productivitytips #productivityhacks #mindfulpractice #timemanagementtips #timemanagementskills #winyourday #manageyourtime #valueyourtime #lifetips #projectmanagement #timesaver #brainhacks #improveyourfocus #focus #improvefocus #mentalstrength #mentalstamina #tipsforproductivity #focustips
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Do you take control of your thoughts or does your THOUGHTS control you?💡
Some people ASSUME that I've always got it all together since I'm always #positive, life is peachy perfect for me, no problems ever come my way, I'm living a DREAM life. This cannot be further from the truth. No one's life is perfect. #truth Am I an optimist? 100% yes! But to be more accurate, I'm an optimistic realist. My faith in God combined with my positive mindset are the things that have helped pushed me through challenges in life. But at the same time, I dare say I worked hard for the life I am in. I CREATED IT through my own hard work, unwavering discipline, and faith in myself. Even then, every other day there'll be new waves of challenges I couldn't have foreseen that will come my way. Such is life. If you're going through tough times in life, chin up my friend. Don't be upset with things you can't change. Focus on the things that ARE within your control, work on them, and make life worth celebrating for🍾🎉 Sincerely, Trish YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: #trishlee #selfawareness #wisewords #selfalignment #innerbeliefs #mindfulpractice #mindfulquotes #staypositive #mentalstrength #innerwisdom #inspirationalquote #believeinyourself #youarepowerful #positivequotes #motivationalquote #failureispartofsuccess #yourestrongerthanyouthink #failurequotes #keeptrying #validateyourself #juststart #dontstop #dontgiveup #tryagain #keepgoing #positivethoughts #negativethoughts #limitingbeliefs
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TopĀ 5 Self-Help Books To Read In 202212/5/2022 Self-help books can help guide you as you seek to make changes to your day-to-day life while giving you the freedom to make those changes at your own pace.
A big question though: Do Self-Help Books Actually Work? Well, yes, AND no. No self-help book is ever going to be able to give you the self-improvement you crave if you’re not willing to do the work. Here are 5 self-help books which I personally love 📚Books that can help you reflect on your life and make big changes🙌🏽 Truly, Trish PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee #videooftheweek #mindsetvideos #selfempowerment #selfhelpvideos #mindset #mustwatchvideo #bestbooks #books #selfhelp #selfhelpbooks #selfimprovement #mustread #mustreadbooks #books2022 #bestbook #bestbookever #chipheath #bronnieware #shawnachor #schedulingtips #improveyourself #improveyourlife #jamesclear #habitforming #habitformation #breakbadhabbits #atomichabits #suhaskshirsagar
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Sometimes we get so caught up on our PROBLEMS that we forget to take a moment to appreciate the LITTLE things 💛
Truth is, you don't need to search far to find MAGIC or happiness. Just take a moment to look around you with your heart. Life is a miracle and a gift in itself. There's ALWAYS magic around you (no matter how hard times may be). If we open our hearts enough to be fully aware of the miracles this life has to offer, you’ll discover that there are ALWAYS people, moments, and things to appreciate and be grateful for in life ✨ What are 3 things that you are grateful for today? ❤️ Have a magical day 🌸 Much love & peace, Trish YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: #trishlee #enjoythejourney #lifeisajourney #growthmindset #mindfulquote #mindfulliving #intentionalliving #enjoythenow #mindfulthinking #livemindfully #happinessquote #embracethemoment #liveinthenow #bemindful #bepresent #enjoylife #enjoyeverymoment #enjoythemoment #enjoythejourneyoflife #appreciatethelittlethings #appreciatethismoment #everymomentcounts #keeplearningkeepgrowing #lifeisagift #lifeisbeautiful #lifeisamiracle #godisgreat #gratefulquotes #gratefulheart #gratefulthankfulblessed
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Musk is a once-in-a-lifetime genius. Likely on the same levels as Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton.
But what are his special tips to learning things faster and to actually remember what he has learned?💡 Interestingly enough, his learning methods aren’t that regal. In fact, his two rules for how to learn anything faster can be implemented by anyone at any time. Including you. You, too, can be a rocket scientist, if you wanted 😉 Check out this video to find out how🌟 Cheering you on, Trish PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee #videooftheweek #mindsetvideos #selfempowerment #selfhelpvideos #mindset #mustwatchvideo #mindsettip #howto #lifeskills #studytips #productivity #productivitytips #productivityhacks #learnfaster #elonmusk #success #successvideo #successfulpeople #billionairemindset #mindsetvideo #mindsetiseverything #successtips #billionairetips #billionairethinking #mindsetiskeytosuccess #lifetips #billionairesecrets #successsecrets #rememberfaster
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Do you take time to prioritise YOURSELF every now and then?💛
You may be met with fierce resistance and criticism when you try to put your dedicate a little time just for you, but that doesn't mean you should continue to prioritise everyone else's needs above your own. Being a #superwoman or superman to people you love acts like a crutch so when you take it away it forces them to take responsibility for their own needs. And when you rest or retire your superwoman cape you realise just how much people dislike taking responsibility for themselves. Or worse yet, just how few people pick up the cape to return the support when you need it. Which is why it's vital to also take care of yourself. And if someone says you're selfish for not doing whatever it is that they want you to do for them, ask what that makes them if they're demanding you met their needs over yours. May you all have the strength, wisdom, and tenacity to know when you need to be there for YOURSELF because #youmattertoo! 💛 Sincerely, Trish YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: #trishlee #selfcarequotes #mindfulquotes #mindfulthoughts #thoughtoftheday #positivethoughts #focusonyourself #fillyourcup #mentalwellness #wordstoremember #wordstoinspire #wisewords #selfcarethreads #selfcarematters #selflove #selfcaretips #selflovematters #selflovequotes #selfloveisnotselfish #selflovetips #taketimeforyou #prioritizeyourself #youmattertoo #burnoutquote #takecareofyourself #youmatter #maketimeforyou #maketimeforyourself |