AuthorHi I'm Trish! 👋 Archives
February 2025
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If someone is MEAN to you or is unable to ACCEPT you for who you are, it isn’t because there is something WRONG with you. In all likelihood, it is because this person is battling with accepting and loving THEMSELVES.
A person who is unable to truly love themselves and their life, will simply not be able to see the love and beauty in others. As hard as it may be, have a bigger heart to forgive such people. Know in your heart your true self and worth, and just walk away. Don’t let their words make you feel small or unimportant. Learn to feel compassion for such people, for they have so little love in their hearts for themselves. “If you can learn to love yourself and all the flaws, you can love other people so much better. And that makes you so happy.” –Kristin Chenoweth Keep on spreading kindness and joy just by being your wonderful self🧡 Sending you lots of blessings, Trish YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #nonegativity #negativeenergy #selfacceptancequotes #yourestrongerthanyouthink #kindnessquotes #selfcompassion #selfcompassionquotes #selfworthquotes #validateyourself #dontgiveup #positivethoughts #forgivenessquotes #forgiveothers #hatersgonnahate #hatersgonhate #hatersgonahate #hatersquotes #hatersbelike #fuckhaters #haterswillhate #hatersaremymotisvators #nohaters #fuckthehaters #byehaters #forthehaters #negativitysucks #negativepeople #positivequotes #lessjudgementmorelove
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It can be hard to admit that the end of the year isn’t your favorite time of the year. It’s supposed to be a time of celebration, a time of reflection, and a time to set the tone for the coming year.
But let’s face it, that isn’t the case all the time. The #holidayseason can contribute to #stress, #anxiety, and depression for many reasons: * The stress associated with buying gifts, making big dinners, and attending parties can become overwhelming. * The bad feelings triggered when we reflect on unfulfilled goals. * Finances can also cause a great deal of anxiety this time of year, particularly when coupled with the expectations of gift buying. * We could also be feeling like a failure if we have no one to spend New Year’s Eve with. * Grief–This feeling is often amplified at the holidays, especially if you have lost a close loved one. * And not to mention the weather–The colder weather and shorter days may trigger seasonal depression. But don’t despair, check out 4 simple actionable steps in this video that you can take to help yourself overcome new year’s depression. Sending you lots of positive energy, Trish ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #newyeardepression #weatherchange #mindsetvideos #selfempowerment #selfhelpvideos #inspirationalvideos #empoweringvideo #emotions #emotionalwellbeing #emotionalwellness #emotionalfreedom #controlyourthoughts #emotionalhealing #emotionalregulation #emotionalawareness #emotionalresilience #emotionalbalance #controlyourmind #emotionalhealthmatters #stresstips #anxietytips #masteryouremotions #stressrelief #stressrelief #depression
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Challenges Are Our Best Teachers22/11/2022 We could choose to stay within our COMFORT ZONE, life would be SAFE, no disappointments, and everything will be as is.
But... how would we then truly KNOW, all that we’re capable of doing, ACHIEVING, and EXPERIENCING in this beautiful life? Though doing the same thing day in day out might sound nice in theory, but in reality, it can impact us negatively. Life would be STAGNANT. No progress or creativity will be pursued because "change" and "discomfort" doesn't exist. I'm not saying I LOVE challenges and problems, I too wish life wasn't so complex sometimes. However, I always realize in hindsight that every roadblock or bad moment in my life, was always the catalyst to make me reflect more, achieve self-actualization, to become more empathetic towards others, and to realize that God doesn't hate me, HE loves me. HE believes in me enough that I have the capacity to go through the challenges HE presented me, so that I could use my experiences to help others 💛 HE loves me enough to redirect me towards my TRUE path whenever I thought I was heading down what I thought was the “right” path. HE trusts me enough that I will not let the challenges bring me down. HE knows that through those challenges, is when I will learn to come back STRONGER and WISER every time. Never be discouraged when faced with challenges dear friends. It is not that life is against you, it is merely trying to help you discover what you are truly made of✨ Truly, Trish YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #positivequotes #dontgiveup #failureispartofsuccess #failurequotes #embracechange #perfectiondoesntexist #progressnotperfection #perfectionisoverrated #learnasyougo #comfortzone #trustinhim #mindsetquotes #comfortzonequotes #mentalstrength #innerwisdom #havenofear #challengesareopportunities #youarestrong #youarestrongerthanyouthink #youarestrongerthanyouknow #hopequotes #couragequotes #beopentochange #beopentotheunexpected #faceyourfears #yougotthis #liveandlearn #growthquotes #growthmindset
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While it’s not quite the end of the year, next year’s calendar begins to fill up. Between family celebrations, business trips, project deadlines, and vacations, this could cause calendar conflicts if we’re not careful.
But maybe you’re watching this and thinking—Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just wake up and have a productive day without having a plan? It sounds liberating. But that’s just not how it works. In fact, back in 2017, Shark Tank’s Robert Herjavec told CNBC that he always tries to plan at least 12 months ahead. He said that planning allows him to manage his time, prioritize, and maximize his time💡 If you’re ready to start planning a year ahead like a millionaire, check out this video. Wishing you a fruitful year ahead, Trish ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #videooftheweek #successtips #2023goals #newyear #newyearresolutions #achieveyourgoals #goalsetting #successtips #projectplanning #planforsuccess #multiplegoals #prioritize #timemanagement #makeyourdreamsreality #smallstepseveryday #smallstepstobigchange #smartgoals #berealistic #timeplanning #manageyourtime #planahead #prioritizeyourlife #prioritizeyourtime #projectmanagement #plansmart #planningiskey #planningiseverything #beopentochange #stayflexible
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Self-Discipline Over Motivation15/11/2022 How do you achieve challenging GOALS in life when you feel #demotivated? ☹️
Someone recently asked me how do I stay so motivated to do all that I do - run several businesses, be a daughter, a friend, a wife, and a mum all at the same while still staying sane. The HONEST answer is, there are days where I'm on the brink of going nuts, I'm not gonna lie. However, I can always still keep going regardless how challenging things get. How come? Like I said, I do have days where I feel like just kicking back, relax, and simply do NOTHING. Of course, quality time for #selfcare is important. But beyond that, what about times where stuff REALLY needs to get done but I’m just NOT feeling it?😨 During these moments, the thing that helps me push past my lack of motivation and to do it anyway is my #SELFDISCIPLINE. Perhaps my mother trained me well, perhaps I know what my “WHYs” are, perhaps it is all these reasons and more. Whatever the reasons are, I truly believe without enough self-discipline within us, it is so easy to give in and GIVE UP. “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” – Jim Rohn What about you? How do you keep going when you feel demotivated? Do share with me in the comments below. Wishing you a fantastic week ahead🦋 Trish YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #riseup #discipline #mindsetquote #selfempowerment #selfhelpquotes #mindsetovereverything #mindsetovermotivation #shiftyourthinkingchangeyourlife #mindsettip #noexcuses #justdoit #empoweringquotes #shiftyourmindset #dailymotivation #shiftyourthinking #disciplined #disciplineequalsfreedom #disciplineovermotivation #selfdisciplined #disciplineyourself #disciplineyourmind #successquotes #successsecrets #keytosuccess #successmindset #successmotivation
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How To Set Goals For 202310/11/2022 In another few weeks, we’re gonna be welcoming the new year. A time where we feel like it’s a perfect time to turn a new page.
But as you and I probably already know–making resolutions are much easier than actually keeping and seeing them through. So, what can you do to make it more likely that you will keep your resolutions for 2023? The tips shared in this video may just help you beat the odds 🙌 Wishing you much success, Trish ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #videooftheday #2023 #2023goals #newyear #newyearresolutions #achieveyourgoals #goalsetting #successtips #projectplanning #planforsuccess #multiplegoals #prioritize #timemanagement #makeyourdreamsreality #smallstepseveryday #smallstepstobigchange #smartgoals #berealistic #timeplanning #manageyourtime #eisenhower #prioritizeyourlife #takeactionnow #projectmanagement #plansmart #planningiskey #planningiseverything #beopentochange #stayflexible
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In any scenario, any circumstance, what you have, is the power of CHOICE. That is something that no one can ever take away from you.
Every day, you have the POWER to decide how you wish your day to be. ⠀ ➙ You can choose to accept defeat from the past or you can RISE UP and try again ⠀ ➙ You can choose to let others tell you what you are capable of or you can PROVE to yourself what you're really made of ⠀ ➙ You can choose to stop believing in love after many heartbreaks or you can choose to believe that you weren't ready for a healthy kind of LOVE in the past, but now you know better ⠀ ➙ You can stay angry at others and let that pain ruin your own life or you can choose to forgive and move on because you know your PEACE is more important than staying angry and being "right" The choice is yours dear friends. What's your choice gonna be? Let life happen to you? Or make life happen FOR you? With all my love and blessings🌻 Trish YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #riseup #empowering #personalgrowth #takecontrolofyourlife #mindsetchange #failure #courage #successtips #overcomefear #fearoffailure #fearoftheunknown #takebabysteps #dontgiveup #makeithappen #wisdomquotes #learnfromfailure #growthmindset #growthquotes #selfgrowth #growthanddevelopment #growthroughwhatyougothrough #failureispartofsuccess #lifequotes #deepquotes #lifeiswhatyoumakeit #letlifehappen #createyourlife #createyourreality #everydayisachoice
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How To Manage Your Time Effectively3/11/2022 If you never seem to have enough time, better time management may help you regain control of your days.
In this #video, let’s have a look at 5 easy ways that can help you to manage your time more effectively. Wishing you an awesome day ahead, Trish ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #videooftheday #achieveyourgoals #goalsetting #successtips #projectplanning #planforsuccess #multiplegoals #prioritize #timemanagement #planyourday #planningiseverything #planningiskey #timeislimited #smartgoals #berealistic #timeplanning #manageyourtime #prioritizeyourlife #projectmanagement #plansmart #planningiskey #planningiseverything #beopentochange #stayflexible #timemanagementapps #schedule #planyourweek
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Take a moment to really let those words sink in for a minute...
It is odd why we tend to "rush" towards every opportunity, thinking that every opportunity is a GOOD one. Maybe that is our inner fear of missing out? #fomo And why are we quick to react NEGATIVELY whenever things don't go according to plan? Why do we automatically think a detour is BAD for our plans or life in general? I believe it is exactly this mindset of worrying we might lose out on something which is assumed to be "good", that we add on unnecessary stress onto ourselves, taking on more than we can handle or necessary for our lives, and end up spreading ourselves too thin. Remember my friends, not every "opportunity" is a "good" opportunity. Just because it is there, doesn't always mean it is the RIGHT path for you On the flip side, whenever something doesn't go according to your life plans, don't be too quick to feel DISCOURAGED or lose faith in the timing of your life. Detours, may sometimes just be exactly what you need, the unseen powers of the Universe, slowly directing you towards your true calling ✨ Have a relaxed and productive Tuesday everyone 🍹 Truly, Trish YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #foodforthought #thoughtoftheday #inspirationalquote #thinkbetter #deepquotes #deepthoughts #deepquote #opportunities #rejection #rejectionquotes #rejections #rejectionsucks #changeyourmindset #changeyourthoughts #changeyourperspective #lifeiswhatyoumakeit #mindsetquotes #lifequotes #wisdomquotes #overcomeyourfears #findyourpath #staythepath #staythecourse #trusttheprocess #trusttheclimb #trustyourintuition #trustyourpath #goodvsbad |