AuthorHi I'm Trish! 👋 Archives
September 2024
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Be Kind, You Just Might Save A Life.31/10/2023 No matter how trying your day may be, do you still make an effort to SMILE and be KIND toward others?
Sometimes life happens, even to the best of us. Smiling can feel like the LAST thing you’d feel like doing. I totally get it. But no matter how crappy we may feel on the inside, never forget that ALL of us, are fighting some form of battle in our lives. Even those who may seem like their lives are perfect on the outside, those who seem to have it all. Life is beautiful, but it can also be a freaking challenging pain in the a** sometimes. So let’s help each other get through this journey called LIFE, by being just a little kinder and empathetic toward each other, while also practicing some compassion with ourselves. In fact, research shows that when we smile from the heart, we make ourselves HAPPIER too 😃 Never take for granted a small act of kindness such as giving a SMILE. Your beautiful, sincere smile, may just help turn some one’s day around and maybe - even save a life. May your day be blessed with lots of smiles and an abundance of blessings🌻 Truly, Trish ➳ 💙 Unsure how to make a CAREER CHANGE successfully? Check out my course👉 ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: YouTube: (#thrivewithtrish) Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #peopleskills #spreadjoy #makesomeonesmile #makesomeonesday #makesomeonehappy #powerofpositivity #powerofasmile #smilemore #goodvibesquotes #kindnessquotes #haveanamazingday #positivequotes #morningquotes #morningpost #spreadlove #spreadpositivity #spreadkindness #kindnessmatters #bekind #kindnessrocks #kindnesscounts #kindnessiscontagious #bekindalways #bekindtooneanother #smallactsofkindness #makeachange #inspirationalquote #angermanagement
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If you could rate your level of EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (EQ) on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being excellent, what would your rating be?
Having emotional intelligence skills is important as it helps us recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions as well as recognize, understand, and influence the emotions of others. They are key skills that can help you both in your personal and professional life - regardless where you may sit in an organizational structure. Let’s dive into the 4 actions you can take to improve on this essential component of successful #relationships🤝 Truly, Trish ➳ 💙 Want to make a successful CAREER CHANGE? Check out my course 👉 PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #eq #peopleskills #relationshiptips #relationshipskills #relationshipissues #relationshiphelp #confidenceboost #buildconnections #selfhelpvideo #selfhelp #lifetips #tipoftheweek #lifeimprovement #improveyourlife #lifehacks #interpersonalskills #interpersonalcommunication #socialskills #socialskillstraining #introvertproblems #emotionalintelligencetraining #emotionalintelligence #videooftheweek #selfempowerment #mindset #mindsettips
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#Effectivecommunication is all about exchanging ideas. But sometimes, there is a need to PERSUADE others to see things from your perspective - but HOW?🤫 Whether you’re trying to persuade a loved one for their own good, or a new manager who is trying to influence your team to understand and support your decisions and policies, try these 5 tips:
1 Know your audience and their interests This could mean using a mellow tone of voice with a reserved person to put them at ease or emphasizing how doing things your way will save a certain person time. 2 Maintain a sincere tone When you demonstrate #honesty, people let their guard down and become more receptive. Even if you think your idea is best, a pushy approach only drives people away. 3 Use positive and engaging #bodylanguage How you say something is just as important as what you have to say. Some #nonverbalcommunication techniques include uncrossing your arms, making #eyecontact, leaning toward the person speaking, and using a passionate tone. 4 Get to the point 5 Ask detailed questions Asking questions shows a genuine interest in someone’s needs or concerns. What other strategies have help you to effectively persuade others? Do let me know in the comments below🌻 Truly, Trish ➳ 💙 Unsure how to make a CAREER CHANGE successfully? Check out my course👉 ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: YouTube: (#thrivewithtrish) Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #communicationtips #communicationskills #relationshiptips #persuade #personalgrowth #leadershipskills #peopleskills #peopleskillscoach #communicationskillstraining #communicationcoach #careercoach #communicationskill #selfconfidenceboost #confidencecoachingforwomen #confidenceboost #confidencebuilding #softskills #softskilltraining #softskillsdevelopment #persuasion #persuasionskills #communicationtools #speakingskills
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Can’t find your keys—AGAIN? Does it make you feel frustrated and irritable?
This feeling is probably familiar to anyone whose phone repeatedly goes missing, or who can’t find the TV remote until ten minutes after a favorite show has begun. Such lapses might be accompanied by a nagging fear: Is something wrong with me?? But fret not, Daniel Schacter, a professor of psychology and director of the Schacter Memory Lab at Harvard University says that most probably – there is NOTHING wrong with you. Check out this video to discover why you tend to lose or misplace things and how to finally put an end to this frustrating occurrence!😣 Wishing you a stress-free day ahead, Trish ➳ 💙 Want a successful CAREER CHANGE and find a JOB you actually LOVE? Check out my Career Change course here 👉 ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #selfhelpvideo #memoryloss #adhd #improvememory #losingthings #selfhelp #lifetips #brainhealth #brainfog #braintraining #brainpower #braindevelopment #brainscience #braingym #brainfacts #brainexercise #brainhacking #brainbooster #brainhack #brainfit #brainhealthy #tipoftheweek #lifeimprovement #improveyourlife #lifehacks #lifehack #videooftheweek #selfempowerment
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Which one are you? 🤫 Perhaps you know what it’s like to be taken advantage of, or to have your #kindness seen as an invitation for future exploitation.
It’s not your fault❕ You were simply unable to manage your need to be liked, which is embedded as deeply in your software as your need for food and water. Another cause might be your personality. Some of us rank high on ‘AGREEABLENESS’, which means you hate and avoid #conflict. Whatever the reason, ask yourself: Are your sacrifices inspired by pure kindness? Or are they tainted by an element of fear? I’m not suggesting for us to be #selfish, but instead, that we keep a close check on our REAL motivations behind our behaviour. When we are truly being ‘nice’ we should be operating from a place of #compassion and kindness, not from a place of fear and #weakness. Of course, this is real life and there are going to be times when we bite our tongue, times when we keep quiet for the sake of keeping the peace, times when we choose to let it go rather than make a point of it. But the next time you find yourself in a situation where you feel uncomfortable about defining your #boundaries, saying no, or to #speakup – ask yourself honestly: "Is this about being kind and compassionate or is this about me being scared to voice my own truth? And what – if any – are the bigger ramifications of me not doing so?" I’d love to hear your thoughts? Do let me know in the comments below🌻 Truly, Trish ➳ 💙 Unsure how to make a CAREER CHANGE successfully? Check out my course👉 ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: YouTube: (#thrivewithtrish) Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee #communicationtips #communicationskills #relationshiptips #speakyourheart #personalgrowth #leadershipskills #peopleskills #peopleskillscoach #communicationskillstraining #communicationcoach #careercoach #communicationskill #selfconfidenceboost #confidencecoachingforwomen #confidenceboost #confidencebuilding #softskills #softskilltraining #softskillsdevelopment #bekindtoyourself #kindnessisnotweakness
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“Um...”, "Uh..." 😵💫
Filler words like “um” may seem natural in everyday speech, but they do not belong in formal presentations or speeches. Powerful public speakers work hard to eliminate words such as “um,” “uh,” “well,” “so,” “you know,” “er,” and “like” from their vocabulary so that their listeners can focus solely on their message. The good news is, through practice and persistence, you can too. So, why is it that we say filler words such as “um”? Check out this video now to discover WHY we tend to use filler words and HOW to eliminate them 🤩 Best, Trish ➳ 💙 Want a successful CAREER CHANGE and find a JOB you actually LOVE? Check out my Career Change course here 👉 ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #communicationskills #communicationtips #communicationcoach #communicationskillstraining #effectivecommunication #communication_skills #communicationtraining #fillerwords #publicspeakingclass #publicspeakingtips #publicspeakingcoach #publicspeakingtraining #publicspeakingskills #publicspeakingskill #publicspeaking #bestvideo #mindsetvideos #empoweringvideo #empoweringwomen #selfhelpvideos #videooftheweek #selfesteemboost #selfconfidenceboost #confidencecoachingforwomen #confidenceboost #speaklikeapro #speakwithconfidence #selfempowerment
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4 Questions To Build Deeper Connections10/10/2023 It’s almost IMPOSSIBLE to deepen connections when you ask the same old questions: “What do you do?”, “Where are you from?” Or "How are you?”
These create nice small talk, but this it doesn’t help you to get to know someone on a deeper level. Instead, ask BETTER, deeper questions. Worried it might be awkward? Research shows that people tend to overestimate the awkwardness of deep conversations. This misunderstanding can encourage more shallow interactions that are unfulfilling and draining. Instead, try steering the conversation toward a more meaningful direction with a unique conversation starter demonstrating your care. If you are trying to connect with someone new and build a meaningful, deep connection with them, try out these 4 questions: 1 If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? 2 What has been the highlight of your past week? 3 What skill would you like to master? 4 If you could only celebrate one holiday each year, what would it be? What other questions do you like to use to start deep conversations with others? Do share with me in the comments below🌻 Truly, Trish ➳ 💙Thinking of changing your job? Check out my course for a successful CAREER CHANGE👉 ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: YouTube: (#thrivewithtrish) Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #wisewords #communicationtips #communicationskills #personaldevelopment #emotionalintelligence #eq #relationshiptips #emotionalintelligencecoach #motivationalspeaker #speakyourheart #communicationiskey #communicate #personalgrowth #leadershipskills #peopleskills #peopleskillscoach #communicatebetter #communicateeffectively #communicationskillstraining #communicationcoach #careercoach #communicationskill #effectivecommunication #buildconnections #selfconfidenceboost #confidencecoachingforwomen #confidenceboost #confidencebuilding
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No one likes an awkward PAUSE in the middle of a conversation. We've all been there, and if chatting it up isn't your strong suit, you may cringe at just the thought.
Watch this video to learn some simple ways to keep a conversation going🗣️ With love, Trish ➳ 💙Thinking of changing your job? Check out my course for a successful CAREER CHANGE👉 ➳ 📚GET THE SHORTFORM APP | Enjoy a 5-days FREE Trial: PS: Subscribe to my channel #thrivewithtrish for new inspiring videos every Thursday: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #communicationskills #communicationtips #communicationcoach #communicationskillstraining #effectivecommunication #communication_skills #communicationtraining #stopholdingback #bestvideo #mindsetvideos #empoweringvideo #empoweringwomen #stopholdingyourselfback #videooftheweek #selfesteemboost #selfconfidenceboost #confidencecoachingforwomen #confidenceboost #confidencebuilding #speakup #speakupspeakout #speakout #speakyourtruth #speakyourheart #speakyourmind #speakwithconfidence #selfempowerment #selfhelpvideos
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No matter how STRESSED, sad, or angry we might feel, it is important to still speak to others with #kindness.
Why? Because EVERYONE, no matter how their lives may seem great on the outside, is going through their own fair share of challenges in their lives. How is it fair or kind to release our frustrations or anger onto others, just because we’re having a rough day? Granted, sometimes there might be people who like to pick an argument out of nothing. If that is the case, learn to WALK AWAY, instead of reacting and stooping to their level. Remember, when we treat others with kindness, this positive energy that you give out will always come back to you tenfold, in one way or another. Take deep breaths… Breath in #positivity, breath out negativity 🌻 Sending lots of good thoughts your way, Trish ➳ 💙Thinking of changing your job? Check out my course for a successful CAREER CHANGE👉 YouTube: (#thrivewithtrish) Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #goodvibesquotes #kindnessquotes #haveanamazingday #positivequotes #morningquotes #morningpost #spreadlove #spreadpositivity #spreadkindness #kindnessmatters #bekind #kindnessrocks #kindnesscounts #kindnessiscontagious #bekindalways #bekindtooneanother #smallactsofkindness #wordsoftheday #makeachange #inspirationalquote #forgivenessquotes #forgivenessheals #letgoandletgod #forgiveothers #wordstoremember #angermanagement |