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February 2025
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Dreams Don't Work Unless You Do18/10/2022 Daring to DREAM is great. It helps us imagine the IMPOSSIBLE and gives us HOPE to believe in things we never thought we could achieve. However, dreaming alone can only take you so far.
If we want to turn our dreams into a REALITY, then a certain level of dedication, DISCIPLINE, and perseverance is required. If you think you "have NO TIME”, then make time for what matters to you. That might also involve asking your family and friends for help, or paying for help to give you the time you need. If you think you "have NO FINANCIAL SUPPORT”, then plan how you can make do with what you've got or try to get funding. If you think you “CAN’T DO IT“, then ask yourself: Have you done it before? If YES, then obviously, you know it is DOABLE. If no, then how do you KNOW you can’t before even trying? If your dreams mean the world to you, then don't make excuses for yourself. Instead, dig deep and make things happen🙌 Let's start your week strong my dear friends! Sending you lots of energy and strength🌻 Trish YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: ___ #trishlee ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #inspirationalquote #couragequote #successquote #followyourdreams #takeachance #turnyourdreamsintoreality #trustyourself #believeinyourself #justdoit #takechances #confidencequote #startbelievinginyourself #stopdoubting #lifequotes #wordstoremember #quoteoftheday #chaseyourdreams #makeyourdreamshappen #believeinyourdreams #dontgiveup #overcomeobstacles #overcomefear #keeplearningkeepgrowing #dreamsdontworkunlessyoudo #makeithappen #toughttimesdontlasttoughpeopledo #lessonslearnedinlife #selfesteemboost #selfconfidencequotes
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